A selection of stories I’ve worked on…
Behind Closed Doors: Investigating the System for Settling Investor-State Disputes (Global Investigative Journalism Network, August 2023)
Exclusive: Millions in Western aid flowed to churches in Ghana despite years of campaigning against LGBTQI+ rights (CNN, December 2022)
Unproven ‘abortion pill reversal’ spreading in Europe, backed by US Christian Right (openDemocracy, March 2021)
Revealed: $280m ‘dark money’ spent by US Christian Right groups globally (openDemocracy, October 2020)
Some governments are using coronavirus to restrict women's rights (Al Jazeera, April 2020)
Hundreds of Europeans ‘criminalised’ for helping migrants (openDemocracy, May 2019)
How the far right is weaponising ‘the family’ (Face magazine, April 2019)
African governments are paying for the World Bank’s Mauritius Miracle (Foreign Policy, October 2018)
‘This is a war’: Inside the global ‘pro-family’ movement against abortion and LGBT rights (openDemocracy, June 2017)
The industry of inequality: why the world is obsessed with private security (The Guardian, May 2017)
The World Bank is Supposed to Help the Poor. So Why is it Bankrolling Oligarchs? (Mother Jones, Jan 2016)
The billions made by lawyers when multinationals put countries in the doc (The Bureau of Investigative Journalism, Jan 2016)
The obscure legal system that lets corporations sue countries (The Guardian, June 2015)
El Salvador: meet the women who dare challenge the anti-abortion state (The Guardian, April 2014)
US food aid programme criticised as ‘corporate welfare’ for grain giants (The Guardian, July 2012)
Other publications I’ve worked on…
Progressive cash for the anti-LGBT backlash?: How aid donors and ‘feminist’ governments have funded backers of Uganda’s deadly Anti-Homosexuality Bill (2023 report published by the Institute for Journalism and Social Change)
Reimagining UK aid: What a progressive strategy could look like (2017 report published by Global Justice Now)
Taxes on trial: How trade deals threaten tax justice (2016 report published by Global Justice Now and the Transnational Institute)
The privatisation of UK aid (2016 report published by Global Justice Now)